The Path Home + Moving Forward

 watermelon radish salad in spiky bowl

After a decade of adventure, wondering at the world and learning how to be comfortable with the unfamiliar: I’ve come home.

abode flower 2 

What does home mean, exactly? Is home where the heart is?

My heart is all over the world: in every country I’ve been to, in every country I desire to explore, in every new adventure, in every meal.

abode flower 3

Is home the place you’re most familiar with? The place you relate to most?

I’ve become more comfortable with exploring new lands than plunging my roots into the ground to stay in one place. The foreign feeling I experience in the country of my birth is more pronounced than that of being a stranger in a foreign land.

abode flower 4

Is home a place? A person? An idea? Is it limited by what I know and where I’ve been? Can it transcend those limitations?

All of the above?

 abode flower

Here I am… Adjusting. Battling. Identifying. Trying to avoid having the same conversation everyday but also to avoid complacency. I’m also trying to avoid being too annoying to myself. First World Problems.

  colourful fall corn Autumn in the Berkshires 2 horse through spiderweb

For the moment, because I cannot claim to know what it will mean tomorrow, home can be identified in a decision; a path to refine my skills and to deepen my relationship to cuisine and food. I’m going to culinary school.

 fancy mac n' cheese with watermelon radish salad autumn in the Berkshires

Going to Korea to teach English to children was not exactly following my career trajectory. Adventure was a necessity and I found myself learning more about the world than I thought possible. In short, I put my career on hold to find out what I’m made of. Finally, when I made the decision to return, it was with clear intensions and strong passion. I’m ready to follow my path and keep moving forward. Take me home!

winter trees snowy branches snow and pantherkimchi jjigae

6 thoughts on “The Path Home + Moving Forward

  1. Jacqui December 22, 2014 / 7:04 PM

    Wooo Hooo! Going to raise a glass to you tonight, my love. So proud of you.


  2. Turmeric and Twine December 22, 2014 / 7:24 PM

    Raise it high and toast all around to love, life and passion! And to us!


  3. Jessica December 22, 2014 / 7:30 PM

    I am so proud of you and your journey. SO what if Korea wasn’t in your career trajectory? It was certainly in your adventure trajectory! I love you and am so glad we had those three years to reunite in Korea. Happy to see you back blogging and look forward to more! xx


  4. Turmeric and Twine December 22, 2014 / 8:33 PM

    Darling! I love you so much and am thrilled to hear from you. Korea certainly was in my adventure trajectory. I think I needed it to move forward. I’m very happy to be back on the blog. I’ve missed it.


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